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Protection from Risk – Protection for Life

To fortify is to defend and support, to have a back up plan in place for the most adverse of situations. The financial risks that a family or an individual face are usually a consequence of unforeseen conditions such as demise of an earning member, accident or hospitalisation of a member of the family. This puts at risks various long-term financial plans as an individual or a family including, marriage plans, purchase of a home, education of children, to name a few. To address this unanticipated financial situation, a variety of insurance policies have been designed with precision to look after the policy beneficiaries.

Typically, affordable and economical, a term plan is a very specific form of life insurance policy, providing full protection and financial stability, for a specified period of time or 'term', as the name suggests. During unforeseen events, the beneficiaries are paid a pre-determined sum by the insurance company. The life cover is typically provided at cheaper premiums.

How to select the right policy plan?

Most insurance companies offer an array of customised options to its policy holders to help accommodate their individual needs and long term financial goals, providing unique and personalised policy plans. It becomes crucial to thoroughly review the various elements of the policy documents to understand the coverage in force and if any additional coverage may be required, above and beyond.

Additionally, a thorough periodic review of the life insurance policy is highly recommended to re-evaluate the policy parameters, especially after significant life events such as the birth/adoption of a child, major purchases – such as buying a house, marriage or divorce.

Life insurance agents or brokers help the policy holders assess their needs and establish need-based policies for the insurers.

While there are various angels which you may need to evaluate before you finally boil down to most suited options for you, we help you sail smoothly through your decision making period and support you with the advisory backing that you may require from time to time, through you family cycle and evolving financial goals.

Book an appointment with us today, to help us assist you and channelize your resources to find out the best plans to serve your financial needs …